Since I was a child, thanks to my mother, I have had a passion for seeds! Pumpkin & sunflower...I can spend hours cracking the shells between my teeth and slowly savoring those tiny salty inside morsels.
Until recently, with the influx of Armenian stores, seeds just were not readily available unless in those small overpriced packages. Although those seeds were usually stale, they still made you crave more and one package was never enough to satisfy my craving once I began eating them.
Two weeks back, I had some extremely good sunflower seeds. I had shared them during our break, over Hye Kakan Kaffe, and had taken the remaining ones back to my desk and was enjoying them while doing some paperwork.
For some reason or another I happened out to the Reference Desk where my manager was talking to the young childrens' librarian. As I approached the desk she walked away...and my manager said to me: "I have something I have to talk to you about". I asked him what it was and he told me he "I've gotten a complaint about you eating sunflower seeds at your desk and it is too noisy". I wasn't very fact I was incredulous! I told him that I couln't believe the "Pettiness" of some people...and he turned red.
Honestly....I have never once complained about the fact that the same complaining librarian will stand in front of my desk talking to the Reference Librarian, while I am trying to work, and go on ad nauseam whining about; her social life, the weddings she's in & attending, her dislike/terror of rattlesnakes & the fact that she continues to hike where they live, her dog, her friends, etc. for 45 minutes to an hour without stopping.
What gives? Oh, yeah....I forget, she's "special" and yammering incessantly in a high whining tone of voice isn't annoying or bothering anyone when they are trying to work..... Go figure!