Planned Parenthood
Dear Auntie Nanuuq,
August is almost over. And you can take it from this Texan --
it's been a hot one.
Members of Congress left for summer recess having made progress
on health care reform, but with no final bill -- and opponents
of reform pounced. Conservative talking heads fueled the fire by
encouraging rightwing activists to spread false rumors and
disrupt town hall meetings, all in an effort to kill any bill
that would increase access to health care for women, men, and
Health care reform is a vitally important issue, too important
to be derailed by myths and misinformation. From false
accusations that the reform bill will "mandate abortion" to the
bizarre claim that the administration wants to create "death
panels," opponents of reform keep inventing new lies to try to
stop the bill. We can't let propaganda keep affordable health
care out of the reach of millions.
As Planned Parenthood gears up for Congress to return to
Washington, we're counting on supporters like you to stay
informed about what is at stake -- and share the truth with
friends, family, and co-workers. Most important, I want you to
act based on the facts -- not the myths.
Cecile Richards, President
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
With your help, Planned Parenthood can protect access to
essential health care like contraception and cervical cancer
screenings -- so that those who need access to care will ALWAYS
have somewhere to turn. Make a gift to the Planned Parenthood
Federation of America today. Click here:
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Question: Lately sex has been really painful. Does that mean
something is wrong?
Read Dr. Cullins' response:
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Aggressive outreach for a healthier Massachusetts.
Dianne Luby, the president and CEO of Planned Parenthood League
of Massachusetts, is being honored by the Boston Business
Journal as a "Champion in Health Care." Dr. Roberta Herman, who
nominated Dianne for the honor, wrote, "How many other CEOs
drive around in a hot pink Scion with the tagline 'Sexual Health
Matters,' to reach the public with information about critical
health services?" Click here to read more:
Lying and scaring people to stop health care reform.
The Family Research Council has never let the truth get in the
way of its claims, but its TV ad opposing health care reform
shamelessly twists the issue into a fictional -- and completely
unfounded -- scene that is pure propaganda. The ad falsely
suggests that health care reform will lead to government denying
surgery for seniors while funding abortions. Learn more about
the ad at
Vote for Planned Parenthood in CREDO poll.
CREDO Mobile and Working Assets donate a portion of their
profits every year to non-profits like Planned Parenthood. The
best part? They let customers and activists decide where the
money goes. If you're a CREDO/Working Assets customer -- or even
if you've just taken action online with CREDO Action -- you can
help generate more donations for Planned Parenthood. Click here
to vote.
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Congratulations to Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
"We applaud Judge Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation as the newest
associate justice to the U.S. Supreme Court. Her historic
appointment is an inspiration to all Americans, and we join with
millions of women and men across the country in celebrating the
confirmation of the first Hispanic woman to the Supreme Court."
- PPFA President Cecile Richards. Click here to read the rest of
her statement:
Maternal mortality in India.
A new report shows that while the maternal mortality rate in
India is slowly declining, it is still alarmingly high. Maternal
deaths in India account for 25 percent of maternal deaths
worldwide. Although abortion is widely legal countrywide, the
lack of access to services for millions of poor and
rural-dwelling women has meant that unsafe abortion is still a
major contributor to maternal deaths. PPFA is working to address
maternal mortality in India by supporting local reproductive
health groups on the ground to ensure affordable and accessible
services, including safe abortion services, for underserved
women. Read more of the Guttmacher Institute's report here:
Is recess over yet?
When Congress disbanded for its August recess, they did not have
a final health care reform bill. What followed was a month full
of town hall meetings across the country drawing citizens from
all points on the political spectrum. But perhaps most notable
were the rightwing activists who made headlines for disrupting
these meetings with shouting, and even violence. An analysis
from Reuters described what was happening -- and how the
rightwing disrupters may have failed to achieve the outcome they
hoped. Read it here:
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Mac vs. PC Spoof: Birth Control
There are many methods of birth control, and this fun video
reminds us that sometimes being prepared means having backup.
Watch our spoof of the popular "Mac vs. PC" commercial, "Pack
vs. EC" on YouTube:
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report these
figures on chlamydia cases in 2007:
1.1 million people had chlamydia.
825,660 were women.
280,337 were men.
The report emphasizes that these statistics appear to show that
men are far less likely to be screened for chlamydia.
Read more from the CDC's report on chlamydiachlamydiachlamydia
in the United States:
Speaking of Sex is Planned Parenthood's award-winning podcast
and videocast that takes a fun, yet informative, look at
sexuality and its important role in our lives and relationships.
Listen here:
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Search for the nearest Planned Parenthood health center by state
or zip code at:
Planned Parenthood Federation of America on MySpace:
Join the Cause on Facebook to support Planned Parenthood
Federation of America:
Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of
America, on Twitter:
(C)2009 Planned Parenthood(R) Federation of America, Inc. All
rights reserved.
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