Dear Auntie Nanuuq --
We have less than a week to go before California's primary election on Tuesday, June 8. Less than a week to stop the corporate takeover of California. Less than a week to win a progressive victory at the ballot box. And we need your help to win.
The five initiatives on the ballot -- especially PG&E's Prop 16 and Mercury Insurance's Prop 17 -- will determine if greedy corporations dominate California or if we can take back our democracy. California progressives need to vote YES on Prop 15 and NO on Props 16 and 17, or else we will lose every single battle.
Whether you're filling out your ballot at home, or planning to vote at the precinct on Tuesday, we're here to help you make progressive choices on the ballot initiatives.
Like we do every election, the Courage Campaign is providing a Progressive Voter Guide to our members for Tuesday's election. Produced in partnership with CREDO Action, this one-stop-shop voter guide also includes election recommendations from AFSCME, the California Democratic Party, California Federation of Teachers, California League of Conservation Voters, California Nurses Association, Calitics, and the League of Women Voters.
To find out more about the propositions on the June 8 ballot and to find your polling location, click here to download the Courage Campaign's two-page Progressive Voter Guide and share it with your friends ASAP:
To help you make your decisions in this election, our June 2010 Progressive Voter Guide includes:
1. Short, easy-to-read, recommendations from the Courage Campaign and CREDO Action.
2. A handy chart of recommendations from eight other leading progressive organizations across California.
3. A mobile phone guide that you can easily take into your polling place and send to your friends -- just text VOTECA to 30644.
Recently, the Courage Campaign asked our members to vote on the propositions that are on Tuesday's ballot. The results were clear: Courage Campaign members decisively rejected the corporate attack on our politics, calling for a NO vote on PG&E's Prop 16 and Mercury Insurance's Prop 17. Members also took a stand for fair elections by endorsing a YES vote on Prop 15.
For a complete list of the Courage Campaign's endorsements as well as the June 8 election endorsements of eight other California progressive organizations, please click here to download our two-page Progressive Voter Guide from our web site:
With just a few days left, we need to get this Progressive Voter Guide in the hands of as many Californians as possible. Will you forward this email to your friends and family ASAP?
Together we'll provide Californians with the information they need to fight back against these greedy corporations and help us lead our state to a more democratic future.
Rick Jacobs
Chair, Courage Campaign
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