After she said all of that, she did this:
Earlier this year, Rachel Maddow did a show on the
failed and disastrous welfare drug testing debacle in
Florida. During the show, she traced the legislation that
demanded that welfare recipients be drug tested back
to its money source — the Koch brothers.
Following that show, she got a surprise — one that
delighted her. When Maddow covers the Koch brothers,
she hears from the Koch brothers’ lawyers. This time?
The Koch brothers sent her a script with instructions to
read it on the air. The script contained verbiage that would
have denounced her reporting of their affiliation with
groups that control Republicans and legislation at the local,
state, and federal level.
Maddow points out that MSNBC and her show will make
corrections when a mistake is made, but there is a
threshold that won’t be crossed.
“I don’t mind making corrections. That said —
don’t push it.”
She explains that she covers a lot of right wing politics
“The most interesting story in American politics
this decade is the effort by the Republican party
to remake itself in the
wake of the disastrous Bush-Cheney era.”
“We cover the conservative movement a lot on
this show and in so doing, we occasionally find
people who have been
mentioned in our coverage who are absolutely
outraged that they have been mentioned in our
coverage. People who are not used to being talked
about by someone who does not
take their instructions. And so, what happens is,
they tend to try to instruct me as to how I ought to
talk about them. And the conservative political
figures who you can most count on to threaten
to sue you and call your boss
and scream about their victimization as loud as
they can— whenever they get mentioned by
name in a way they do not control — are of course,
the Koch brothers.”
What she revealed about the Kochs that angered
them, was this:
“They are part of a network of state-based
conservative think tanks that are designed
to not look like a network. They all look
vaguely indigenous. They all have what
look to be locally-specific names, but their
funding — if you follow it— comes in part
from a central source of big money corporate
donors, including groups affiliated with the
Koch brothers.”
These are some of the groups:
Screengrab via YouTube
Rachel points out something very important:
“The Koch brothers’ lawyers aren’t denying
that they fund these organizations, but they
don’t want anyone reporting a connection
between what these groups do and who gives
them the money.”
This is important. This is evidence that they are trying
to run this country from their own agenda, if evidence
is needed at this point.
Why do these men do what they do? Why do they think
that they can manipulate politics in this country
without being held accountable? Maddow explains it
when people operate at a certain level of power and
wealth, they “are not used to ever hearing things that
you do not want to hear, particularly things about
I’ve experienced that in my own life with powerful and
wealthy people I know. People in positions of power
are not accustomed to being challenged. They certainly
aren’t accustomed to being criticized. They don’t want
to see the mirror that we hold up to them. It infuriates
them. How dare we! How dare Rachel Maddow!
As for their lame little script that they wanted her to
read online, here is her response.
“I am not going to read their script. I’m not going to
renounce my own reporting on this story, because
the reporting on this story stands. It is true. And
now we also know that the Koch brothers do not
wish to be associated with the work and the
causes that they have funded through their multi-million
dollar, multi-year massive funding of networks of
conservative organizations. You not wanting to be
known for something you have done is not the same
thing as you not having done it.”
“We will not stop reporting on the political actions and
the consequences of the political actions of rich and
powerful men, even if they send angry letters every
time we do it. I will not read scripts provided to me
by anyone else. I do not play requests. I will happily
make corrections when I do get things wrongs. We
do it on this show all the time, but I will not renounce
or retract reporting that is true, even if the subjects
of that reporting don’t like it. Being a political actor
means being subject to political scrutiny. If you
don’t want to be known for it, don’t do it. Don’t just
complain when people accurately describe your
actions. Your actions are what we are reporting on
and we will do that on our own terms as a free press.
If you want to control the words that are used when
your actions are discussed, then speak for yourself.”
“I will renew my invitation now. Mr. Koch, or the other
Mr. Koch, you are welcome on this show anytime.
I would love to discuss these matters with you
right here in person live and without interruptions.
Anytime. And it would be easy to set up —
you apparently already have my number.”
Screengrab via YouTube
Rachel Maddow can’t be bought by corrupt people.
People who stand on principle can’t be bought.
They can’t be silenced. They can’t be controlled.
The Koch brothers, and other conservatives —
and maybe, truth be told, even some powerful
Democrats who have lost their way — can’t deal
with that.
FYI, this is what a patriot looks like. In my opinion,
what she’s doing is dangerous. These people could
have her “dealt with” without it ever being traced back
to them. Oh we would all question it, sure. But they’d
never see justice. She is a hero. She is….a patriot.
We need for people to see this. Do anything you can
to get the conservatives you know to sit and watch
this with you. Bribe them. Offer lunch or booze in
exchange for them watching this. In fact, make it a
weekly thing. “Watch Maddow with me once a week
and I’ll pay for drinks.”
The only way we’re going to get change is to change
people and open their eyes. That’s going to happen one
person at a time.
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