What I learned was these "pipes" are "e-cigarettes".... They are filled w/ a liquid "smoke", which is supposedly non-cigarettes (a placebo) and non-addicting.
I, of course, became ever more curious (because they stink the same as cigarettes) and did more research. The liquid, called e-juice, is made up of; Propylene Glycol (FDA approved as food safe), Vegetable Glycerine, Liquid Nicotine, an optional "flavoring", and Pure Grain Alcohol
What I want to know is: "Why are these safer than cigarettes?" For what I know for a Fact Is: Nicotine Is a widely known POISON....
Smoking one to two different types of Alcohol isn't healthy either..... We know that because Drinking too much Alcohol may be Fatal.... So here a person is inhaling it along w/ nicotine?
WAKE-THE-HELL-UP!!!! Who is fooling who? This is not only addicting it is a well known killer......
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