THE MONEY: Despite the fact that 4 million Americans wrote letters
asking EPA to fight climate change, the House of Reps just voted
yesterday to stop any efforts by EPA to control the carbon pollution
that causes climate change.
Why would the House do that? Just follow the money. The 229 members who voted in favor of polluters got a whopping $46 MILLION dollars in contributions from the fossil fuel industry - nine times more than the 183 members who voted against the bill! It's a damning indictment of how much sway dirty energy has on Capitol Hill.
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Why would the House do that? Just follow the money. The 229 members who voted in favor of polluters got a whopping $46 MILLION dollars in contributions from the fossil fuel industry - nine times more than the 183 members who voted against the bill! It's a damning indictment of how much sway dirty energy has on Capitol Hill.
Click SHARE or LIKE to spread this infographic around! TELL US >> Are you surprised that pro-polluting House Members got so much more donations?
Aderholt Amash Amodei Bachmann Bachus Barletta Barr Barrow (GA) Barton Benishek Bentivolio Bilirakis Bishop (GA) Bishop (UT) Black Blackburn Boustany Brady (TX) Bridenstine Brooks (AL) Brooks (IN) Broun (GA) Buchanan Bucshon Burgess Byrne Calvert Camp Campbell Cantor Capito Carter Cassidy Chabot Coble Coffman Cole Collins (GA) Conaway Cook Costa Cotton Cramer Crenshaw Cuellar Culberson Daines Davis, Rodney Denham Dent DeSantis DesJarlais Diaz-Balart Duffy Duncan (SC) Duncan (TN) Ellmers Enyart Farenthold Fincher Fitzpatrick Fleischmann Fleming Flores Forbes Fortenberry Foxx Franks (AZ) Frelinghuysen Gardner Garrett Gerlach Gibbs Gingrey (GA) Gohmert Goodlatte Gowdy | Granger Graves (GA) Graves (MO) Griffin (AR) Griffith (VA) Grimm Guthrie Hall Hanna Harper Harris Hartzler Hastings (WA) Heck (NV) Hensarling Holding Hudson Huelskamp Huizenga (MI) Hultgren Hunter Hurt Issa Jenkins Johnson (OH) Jordan Joyce Kelly (PA) King (IA) King (NY) Kingston Kinzinger (IL) Kline Labrador LaMalfa Lamborn Lance Lankford Latham Latta Long Lucas Luetkemeyer Lummis Marchant Marino Massie Matheson McAllister McCarthy (CA) McCaul McClintock McHenry McIntyre McKeon McKinley McMorris Rodgers Meadows Meehan Messer Mica Miller (FL) Miller (MI) Miller, Gary Mullin Mulvaney Murphy (PA) Neugebauer Noem Nugent Nunes Nunnelee Olson Palazzo Paulsen Perry Peterson | Petri Pittenger Pitts Poe (TX) Pompeo Posey Rahall Reed Reichert Renacci Ribble Rice (SC) Rigell Roby Roe (TN) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rogers (MI) Rohrabacher Rokita Rooney Roskam Ross Rothfus Royce Runyan Ryan (WI) Salmon Sanford Scalise Schock Schweikert Scott, Austin Sensenbrenner Sessions Sewell (AL) Shimkus Shuster Simpson Smith (MO) Smith (NE) Smith (NJ) Smith (TX) Southerland Stewart Stivers Stockman Stutzman Terry Thompson (PA) Thornberry Tiberi Tipton Turner Upton Valadao Wagner Walberg Walden Walorski Weber (TX) Webster (FL) Wenstrup Westmoreland Whitfield Williams Wilson (SC) Wittman Wolf Womack Woodall Yoder Yoho Young (AK) Young (IN) |
Barber Bass Beatty Becerra Bera (CA) Bishop (NY) Blumenauer Bonamici Brady (PA) Braley (IA) Brown (FL) Brownley (CA) Bustos Butterfield Capps Capuano Cárdenas Carney Carson (IN) Cartwright Castor (FL) Castro (TX) Chu Cicilline Clark (MA) Clarke (NY) Clay Cleaver Clyburn Cohen Connolly Conyers Cooper Courtney Crowley Cummings Davis (CA) Davis, Danny DeFazio DeGette Delaney DeLauro DelBene Deutch Dingell Doggett Doyle Duckworth Edwards Ellison Engel Eshoo Esty Farr Fattah Foster Frankel (FL) Fudge Gabbard Gallego Garamendi | Garcia Gibson Grayson Grijalva Gutiérrez Hahn Hanabusa Hastings (FL) Heck (WA) Herrera Beutler Higgins Himes Holt Honda Horsford Hoyer Huffman Israel Jackson Lee Jeffries Johnson, E. B. Kaptur Keating Kelly (IL) Kennedy Kildee Kilmer Kind Kirkpatrick Kuster Langevin Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Lee (CA) Levin Lewis Lipinski LoBiondo Loebsack Lofgren Lowenthal Lowey Lujan Grisham (NM) Luján, Ben Ray (NM) Lynch Maffei Maloney, Carolyn Maloney, Sean Matsui McCollum McDermott McGovern McNerney Meeks Meng Michaud Miller, George Moore Moran Murphy (FL) Nadler | Napolitano Neal Nolan O'Rourke Owens Pallone Pascrell Payne Pelosi Perlmutter Peters (CA) Peters (MI) Pingree (ME) Pocan Polis Price (NC) Quigley Rangel Richmond Roybal-Allard Ruiz Ruppersberger Rush Ryan (OH) Sánchez, Linda T. Sanchez, Loretta Sarbanes Schakowsky Schiff Schrader Scott (VA) Scott, David Serrano Shea-Porter Sherman Sinema Sires Slaughter Smith (WA) Speier Swalwell (CA) Takano Thompson (CA) Thompson (MS) Tierney Titus Tonko Tsongas Van Hollen Vargas Veasey Vela Velázquez Visclosky Walz Wasserman Schultz Waters Waxman Welch Wilson (FL) Yarmuth |
Chaffetz Collins (NY) Crawford Gosar Green, Al Green, Gene | Hinojosa Johnson (GA) Johnson, Sam Jones McCarthy (NY) Negrete McLeod | Pastor (AZ) Pearce Price (GA) Ros-Lehtinen Schneider Schwartz |
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