"Those who live for one another learn that love is the bond of perfect unity." | |
--Fools Crow, LAKOTA | |
To serve each other, to respect each other, to trust each other, to honor each other, to love each other, to cooperate with each other, to care for each other, to forgive one another, to focus on peoples' good, to laugh with one another, to learn from one another, to pray for each other; these are all acts of love. These values and actions will connect us to one another in the Unseen World. Nature is a good example of how we should get along with one another. Watch nature. She is our teacher. Nature lives to give to one another. The insects give to the birds, who give to the four legged, who give to the two legged. The Creator made all things perfect. |
See...so it's like that. It isn't just about "ME". it isn't just about "You". It IS about ALL of Us, Together as One. This "Us" includes All of our Relations: the non-two-legged: Our Tall Standing Brothers, the Medicines, All Green ones, Winged ones, Swimming ones, Four-Legged ones, Creepy-Crawlie ones, Stone People....ALL Living Beings. That's the definition of Mi Takuye Oyacin...that is how the ancient ones believed.
If we don't take care of the planet now, what will remain for our Children's children?
No one says you have to like everyone or invite them to your home to stay with you...but You DO have to Love everyone and pray for the best for them. Heck even Jesus (the Jew) taught that.
It is such a waste of time and energy focusing on only our very small & limited selves.
I once had a guy tell me: "You can Pray to Live or Live to Pray. Grandpa lives to pray and look he has a hard life. I pray to live, because I don't want that kind of life he has." I looked at this guy totally amazed....you know he is a "Sundancer" and carries that Cannunpa... So anyways I just said: "Well I Live to Pray, because I Know that as long as I'm praying and living this life like Creator wants, I'm gonna be taken care of."
So for me it's like that...really simple. It takes absolutely Nothing away from me by praying for the best for others. In fact, it only enhances my life, for what we are willing to give away always returns to us 7 fold, no matter what it is. That's just a law of nature.
Think about it...you have nothing to lose but everything to gain. That's how it is when you trust Creator.
Mi Takuye Oyacin
Just checking to see how this gizmo works