I am now seeing a chiropractor: Dr. Mark Anthony, for a pinched nerve. As we were talking, I explained that I knew it was stress induced due to the emotional trauma I encounter on almost a daily basis. That this physical manifestation began with a scratched/infected throat, then went to deafness in my left ear and now this pinched nerve.
I freely admit that not only did I no longer want to talk about the b.s. I encounter, I didn't want to hear anything about it either.... But this crazy-making insanity I deal with on an almost daily basis has me tied up in knots.
Which brings me to this new treatment, and why I am writing (again) on my blog...... There is something called B.E.S.T., which is a treatment for transforming those negative emotions we carry into to something good and inspiring. My two issues are being transformed into "Imagination" and "Inspiration"... thus releasing the negativity in to Creative Thinking & Writing on this blog.
Yes! That is correct! The treatment has my negative feeling & thoughts about all the "stuff" I deal with turning into imaginative & inspirational writings!
To find out more about this new treatment, just follow either of the links below......
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