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For me it is All About Being of Service & Living the Life of the Give-Away....

Being Mindful of those who are unable to speak for themselves; our Non-Two Legged Relations and the Future Generations.

It's about walking on the Canka Luta Waste Behind the Cannunpa and the ceremonies.

It's about Mindfulness and Respect. It's about Honesty and owning up to my foibles.

It's about: Mi Takuye Oyacin

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Wherein the Problem Lies

Here we go, again.....
I keep thinking about the state of union, and I am so dismayed, disappointed, and unhappy with the american people, including many of my "friends"....
We have so many problems here and yet we ref use to take responsibility for them, we incorrectly believe that it is up to "them" to fix it, up to the teachers, police, church, Yeshua ben Yosef, government to fix it all.
By abdicating our personal responsibility to our children, family, community, planet we allow it all and our self to become victim to those who would victimize, enslave, and kill us in the name of Greed.
Voting for anyone that believes certain people, groups, animals, the earth should: be victimized, go without, be left to die makes those voters not only a part of the problem but the ones responsible for the devastation of life on this planet.
When will people wake up and know that it isn't about taking away from others?
That there is more than enough for Each-and-Every-One of us? 
That no one ever need go with out the basics: food, water, clothing, shelter... sustenance?
When will we stand up and vote AGAINST our oppressors?
When will we stand up against hunger? Against murder? Against enslavement? Against the take away of our civil rights? Against poisoning our food sources? Against selling our resources? Against world domination?
When will we vote for those people who want the BEST Possible Life for EVERYONE?
When will we stop imposing our narrow minded beliefs in the name of our "Religion" upon those who have the Right to Not Believe as we do?
When will we do what is best for our children, family, "neighbors" & the planet instead of just for our self?
When will we wake up and look a the BIG Picture?
Each and every-one-of-us has a responsibility to maintain the quality of life for  Each-and-Every-Other-Living-Being, not just our-own-personal-whiny-ass-self.
When we strive to live well and "share the wealth" the entire planet thrives. The more we give, of what we our self value, to others; the more we receive.....
As I stated, there is more than enough for everyone and it is time to step up to the plate and takes responsibility for life on this Unci Maka as we know it.
It is time to stand up and take back our life, rights, health, food, government, & planet by voting for the person(s) who are going to be responsible for healing the ills of this country, the people, the government, the country, and all living beings, rather than for those who have proven time and time again that they don't give a damn about anything except the Altar of Greed, Corruption, and Enslavement that they pander to & worship at.
Who is responsible? In the end... You and I are responsible..... We owe it to our upcoming 7 generations.
Remember that when refusing to vote or voting for "The Lesser of Two Evils", that you still end up with Evil...Mita Kuya Oyacin     

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