I know many people refer to their children as "Little Monsters", but that is only cute for Halloween. When children throw temper tantrums or scream & yell until bloody blue in the face and are ignored by their parents...I (and many other people) just want to pull that parent aside and shake the shit out of them!
I am so tired of all the insolent, rude, spoiled, unmanageable, misbehaved, screaming children there are in today's society...I see them most everyday, especially where I work. It is totally inappropriate for children to be allowed to misbehave, especially in public. It's pathetic that today's parents have not a clue how to properly raise children.
I'll tell you, if I or any of my friends had ever pulled a hissey fit in public (like so many children do now)...our momma's dropped whatever they were doing/shopping for, pulled us outside, put us in the car, took us home and punished our misbehaving asses.
You want to know who is responsible for teaching children manners, right thinking, & good behavior? Well for sure it's not: Gandma/Gandpa, Nanny, teacher, principle, Auntie/Uncle...it's the person who gave birth to the child as well as the seed donor, in other words...IT IS YOU MOM & DAD...You Are Responsible.
I am so sick and tired of having my dinner ruined in a restaurant by some screaming spoiled brat and Igmo parent. It's no better in a store, mall, Library, park, visiting a friend's home, or being at home and having to listen to the neighbor's kids scream bloody hell & murder because they are not getting their way and are being ignored by the parental unit.
Once you become pregnant, then have a child...life as you (Mom & Dad) once knew it IS OVER! It is No Longer about You. It's No Longer about having fun & freedom...it's about Growing up and taking responsibility for Someone Else, and this little Someone Else needs love, care, & guidance 24-7-365! You, as Mom & Dad...don't get to ignore this child... You, Mom & Dad are the ones to set the Example of how to: behave in a socially acceptable manner, treat others, give respect to All Other Living Beings, care for belongings, eat healthy, be a contributing member of society, and walk in balance.
Babies Are Not Puppies...they do Not Give Unconditional Love...they Need Unconditional Love as well as your undivided attention. Ignoring a screaming baby or poorly behaved child is a subtle form of Child Abuse. Plopping a child in front of a television, gameboy, Wii, computer is NOT an acceptable way of raising a child. Those techno machines Are NOT Babysitters. Children, for the most part, are not able to discern what is Real and what is Not from techno machines.... Techno machines teach a skewed form of virtual reality, which has nothing to do with Real Life. Not to mention the fact that the techno machines alter active brainwaves....disabling cognizant thought process in young children.
Food also plays an important part in a child's behavior & health. When I was growing up (back in the Dark Ages) it was not a common practice to take children to the dentist unless they had a severely damaged a tooth! Now with all the sugar in their diets...not only are children's baby teeth rotting & falling out early, but their health is deteriorating. Over abundance of sugar attacks the immune system, it leaves a child open to diabetes and other disease. Obesity Is a Disease....and a chubby baby may be "cute", but an obese child is a very unhealthy child. Sugar also is a culprit in behavioral problems.....highs & lows.....crankiness from coming down off a sugar high is nasty.
So many parents ask: "What is wrong with my child?" I have new for them: They Are What is Wrong With their child.....the way they raised their child is obviously suspect. Raising children is NOT a democratic process......although babies start off as MeMeMeMe and are in need of constant gratification of their basic needs...they grow into children who are capable of cognizant thought process via interaction with other human beings (Mom & Dad) and need guidance and healthy examples of good behavior in their home life.
Not only do your examples set the course for your child's future as an adult...it can keep them out of prison as well as clean & sober. Don't you know: children who are allowed to run amok and behave like Little Monsters (except for when they are sleeping), pretty much grow up to be Assholes, a detriment to themselves and pretty much a menace to society.
So get a clue Mom & Dad...it's time to pay attention to what you are doing to your child and start teaching your children how to be capable, respectful, and healthy human beings.
Mi Takuye Oyacin